amy powell

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

Amy:  Do you remember this?

Erica:  Yee es.
Amy:  What do you remember?
Erica:  (No response)
Amy:  What do you see?
Erica:  It's covered in ice.
Amy:  What else?
Erica:  I see ice on my window.  I see a wall.  I see the wood.  And what is that, a handle?
Amy:  To open or close the window.
Erica:  I was closing my eyes.  Or looking out the window.  I see my hair, my face, and that's all.  
Amy:  Do you think you should be allowed to do that?
Erica:  Noooo.
Amy:  Why not?
Erica:  (no response)
Amy:  What's going on here?
Erica:  We took a picture.  I'm not going to talk anymore.  That's all I wanna talk about.

When my mother gave birth to my half-sister Erica, I was twenty years old. Sitting in the hospital room with my camera at 4 a.m., mom made giving birth look easy. I photographed as Erica made her way into the world, cut her umbilical cord myself, and was the very first person to hold her. In that moment I gave her a name she didn't get to keep. And she peed on me. 

Ever since, photographing Erica has been a window into my own elusive childhood. 

The front yard became a pumpkin patch after Erica planted a pumpkin seed the year before.

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I


amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

Playing basketball in the frontyard.

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

A young squirrel lost his mother. 

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I
amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

Watching cartoons and doing headstands. 

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

Mom: The sun is like a blanket. It keeps her warm.

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

Crawling on the truck on mom's birthday. 

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

Beagles smile for every picture. 

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

Mom thinks the Christmas lights look like something else. 

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

After Emmet Gowin.

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

Cassie is an airplane dog. 

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

Erica with her toys and a sliver of sunshine. 

amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I

Mom says her hugs last long after she lets go. 

Amy:  Tell me what you think.
Erica:  I see my mom.  I see my mom's car.  I see my dad's truck.  I see trees.  I see you.
Amy:  You've told me before that this is one of your favorites.  Why do you like it?
Erica:  I don't know.  I can see you taking a picture of me.  
Amy:  Do you like it when I take pictures of you?
Erica:  Yes.
Amy:  Why?
Erica:  I don't know.
Amy:  How does it make you feel?
Erica:  That's all (shrugs shoulders).  I'm done talking.
amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I
amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I
amy powell
amy powell photography
mamiya 7
erica & I
Erica:  I see my camera.  I see your camera.  You always print your pictures big.  It ain't fair.  I want mine big.  Can you get me more cameras again for Christmas next year?
Amy:  Sure, why do you want more cameras?
Erica:  I like taking pictures.
Amy:  What do you like to take pictures of?
Erica:  My toys.  Hannah Montana.  My mom.  My princess tent.  You got that tent for me, and now it's broken.  
Amy:  Anything else you like to photograph?
Erica:  I think that's it mommy... I mean Amy!
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